I had created an NFS share on OpenMediaVault, named EXAMPLE, with the following ACL permissions:
Owner: root, read/write/execute
Group: users, None
Others: None
When trying to mount the share (EXAMPLE) in ESXi, the following error would occur:
Failed to mount NFS datastore EXAMPLE – Operation failed, diagnostics report: Cannot open volume: /vmfs/volumes/xxxx
The issue was permissions on the OMV side. By default NFS will squash root requests to anonymous. There are 2 options, either will work, depending on your preference:
- Enable anonymous access on the OMV Shared Folder: set the ACLs for Others to read/write/execute. Alternatively, you can change the Owner to nobody. Be sure to set the Recursive option.
- Enable no_root_squash on the NFS Share
Then try to mount again. If you receive this error
Failed to mount NFS datastore EXAMPLE – The name ‘EXAMPLE’ already exists. Then run this in ESXi CLI
esxcli storage nfs remove -v EXAMPLE